此药店管理系统采取Java措辞基于Spring Boot框架编写,使系统具有高效性与稳定性及易于扩展的性能等;在数据存储层面,选用MySQL数据库,以知足大量药品信息的存储与查询需求。系统面向用户和药店管理职员供应了不同的功能权限,系统前端紧张面向用户,用户通过注册登录之后才可以实现药品的浏览、购买及信息查询功能,利用户能够轻松获取所需药品信息并完成下单购买操作。而后台则专为药店管理员设计,用于发布药品信息、管理订单以及进行其他干系管理事情。此外,后台员工还需卖力药品的进货、发卖与库存管理,确保药品供应的及时性与库存的准确性。本系统能够充分知足用户在线查看和购买药品的需求,为用户供应更加便捷、高效的购药体验。
关键词:药店;购物;Spring Boot框架;MySQL
The pharmacy management system is a key support for the pharmaceutical industry in the information age, stemming from the rapid development of the pharmaceutical market and the increasing diversity of customer needs. With the continuous advancement of medical technology and the increasing attention to health, pharmacies are facing enormous management challenges, such as drug inventory control, sales data analysis, customer information management, and other related issues. Therefore, developing an efficient and intelligent pharmacy management system is particularly important. The significance of this system lies in optimizing the operation process of pharmacies through information technology, improving management efficiency, and reducing operating costs. At the same time, the pharmacy management system can also help pharmacies better understand customer needs, achieve precise marketing, and improve customer satisfaction.
The pharmacy management system is written using the Java language Spring Boot framework to ensure the efficiency and stability of the code; At the data storage level, MySQL database is selected to meet the storage and query needs of a large amount of drug information. In the selection of development tools, IDEA was adopted. The front-end of the system is mainly aimed at users, providing functions for browsing, purchasing, and information inquiry of drugs, enabling users to easily obtain the required drug information and complete purchase operations. The backend is specifically designed for administrators to publish drug information, manage orders, and perform other related management tasks. In addition, backend employees are also responsible for the procurement, sales, and inventory management of drugs, ensuring the timeliness of drug supply and the accuracy of inventory. This system can fully meet the needs of users to view and purchase drugs online, providing users with a more convenient and efficient purchasing experience.
Key words: Pharmacy; Shopping; Spring Boot framework; MySQL
1. 用户注册与登录:供应用户注册与登录功能,确保用户信息安全与访问权限。
2. 药品浏览与详细信息查看:展示药品列表,供应药品详细信息查看功能。
3. 系统公告查阅:发布并展示系统公告,方便用户理解药店动态和优惠活动。
4. 购物车与订单管理:用户可以将药品加入购物车,进行订单结算,并查看和管理自己的订单信息。用户确认订单信息,选择支付办法完成结算。展示用户订单列表,包括待支付、待发货、已发货、已完成等状态,用户可查看订单详情、取消订单或申请售后。
1. 用户信息管理:管理员可查看、编辑和删除注册用户信息,确保用户数据的准确性和安全性。
2. 药品信息管理:管理员可添加、编辑和删除药品信息,进行药品分类管理。添加新药品信息,包括名称、价格、库存、图片等;编辑和删除现有药品信息。
3. 订单管理:管理员可查看、处理订单信息,包括订单状态变更、发货操作等。展示订单详细信息,包括订单状态、药品列表、用户信息等,支持发货、取消订单等操作。
4. 公告管理:管理员可发布、编辑和删除系统公告。展示所有公告信息,支持编辑和删除操作。
5. 药品进出库管理:员工用户可管理药品的进货、发卖与库存信息,确保药品数据的准确性与实时性。